Almost a year has passed since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, sparking conflict that destabilized the Save The Silly Geese Shirt in other words I will buy this lives of millions and led to extreme hardship as Ukrainians work—whether at home or abroad—to keep their families and livelihoods safe. For the fashion world in Ukraine—a diverse and highly skilled industry with specializations in luxury apparel, wedding gowns and outerwear—this is a time of recalibration, recovery and resistance, as brands are forced to adapt and pivot amid unbelievable hardships. Power outages hampered clothing production, power cuts prevented communications, and creators reeled from the decline of their countries’ standards and cultural landmarks.
But even in the Save The Silly Geese Shirt in other words I will buy this midst of pain and uncertainty, strength shines through. “We’re all stronger inside than before,” said Yana Olenich, founder of women’s clothing brand Olenich of the same name. “Unity and protest are in our blood.” A year on, five designers reveal what their personal and professional realities look like now. A sea of plaid miniskirts and rainbow mesh tops flooded the 7th floor of Bergdorf Goodman last night as the New York fashion world gathered to watch Chloe Sevigny read fairy tales. For captive audiences, she read Conversations with Angels—Emma Chopova and Laura Lowena’s (founders of their eponymous brand Chopova Lowena) retelling Hans Christian Andersen’s Snow Queen. However, the Chopova Lowena version was written by the poet Precious Okoyomon, photographed by Charlotte Wales, and stars only Chloë Sevigny.
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